Event file old vs. new format


In using mne_process_raw to epoch and average across trials in a given
condition (output is a *.fif file for the given condition), the log output
states that my event file is in the the old format. So it says it is
taking into account the offset.

First, how exactly does it take into account the offset? In other words
how does the sample start time ultimately used to index the raw fif file
differ from the sample start time specified in the event file?

Second, how does the new format differ from the old format? The format I
am using is:
<sample> <time> <from> <to>

where <sample> is a number, <time> turns out to always be sample/1000
<from> is 0 and <to> is the specific condition number.

I am creating my own event files, so that I can cut the data many
different ways not necessarily specified by the triggers in the raw fif
file, and want to make sure that the format is accurate.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Linda Moya

Hello Linda,

I've never had to deal with old event file format but I'll try to answer.

In using mne_process_raw to epoch and average across trials in a given
condition (output is a *.fif file for the given condition), the log output
states that my event file is in the the old format. So it says it is
taking into account the offset.

by offset do you mean the raw.first_samp field?

First, how exactly does it take into account the offset? In other words
how does the sample start time ultimately used to index the raw fif file
differ from the sample start time specified in the event file?

I guess in one case the first time point is 0 in the other it corresponds to

Second, how does the new format differ from the old format? The format I
am using is:
<sample> ?<time> ?<from> <to>

where <sample> is a number, <time> turns out to always be sample/1000
<from> is 0 and <to> is the specific condition number.

no clue.

I am creating my own event files, so that I can cut the data many
different ways not necessarily specified by the triggers in the raw fif
file, and want to make sure that the format is accurate.

I would try with a simple dataset to see if the approach produces a
nice evoked response.

sorry for not being able to help more
