> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi!
> Is it possible to compute ERS/ERD maps based on source space instead of
> sensor space?
> Best,
> Karin
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Sheraz Khan, M.Eng, Ph.D.
Instructor in Radiology
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tel: +1 617-643-5634
Fax: +1 617-948-5966
Email: sheraz at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
sheraz at mit.edu
Web: http://sheraz.mit.edu
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i faced a similar question some time ago. there is one thing to keep in
mind when doing (time)frequency transforms on source data:
when data is projected to source space, it is projected to three
components per source: one for each spatial dimension. these three
components are then normally combined by taking the norm. this step
includes squaring the data, so all samples that were negative are now
positive. this is mostly ok when staying in the time-domain (although
one must be aware of it, but it will not mess up anything). however, it
essentially doubles the frequencies of all oscillations in your data, so
it is highly problematic for (time)frequency transforms.
mne python provides a few ways to avoid this problem:
1. use source_induced_power. this function calculates the TFR for all
three components of every source and combines the power values
2. restrict the amount of spatial components per source to 1 when
setting up the source model. i do not know if that is possible in
mne python.
3. restrict apply_inverse to return only one component.
pick_ori='normal' would work well for EEG but not for MEG, though
because it is mostly sensitive to the two tangential components.
4. set pick_ori to 'vector' which should return all three spatial
components per source, apply whatever algorithm(s) you need and
combine them later yourself.
i hope, this is all correct. if not, please correct me!