Epoch figure

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I am new to the list, thank you for this fantastic tool, mne really help us
for ECoG analysis.

How do we add vertical axis ticks and values (to indicate the scale) in
plot_epochs figure (mne.viz) ?

I tried to get the matplotlib figure object but could not change any

Thank you in advance

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you mean the purple vertical scale bar in the first figure of

but for epochs

I don't think it's implemented for Epochs.plot yet.

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Thanks for your answer, yes like the purple bar or just values like in the second figure of your example (0, 25, 50) :

<https://mne.tools/dev/auto_tutorials/raw/plot_40_visualize_raw.html#sphx-glr-auto-tutorials-raw-plot-40-visualize-raw-py> https://mne.tools/dev/auto_tutorials/raw/plot_40_visualize_raw.html#sphx-glr-auto-tutorials-raw-plot-40-visualize-raw-py

This is very interesting and much more visible when few channels are displayed (unlike first figure)

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second figure is not channel values but power spectrum densities.

I guess we'll need to add the purple bars on epochs.plot


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Thank you