Embed mne.Viz.Brain.plot in pyqt5

  • MNE version: e.g. 1.2.1
  • operating system: e.g. Windows 10

**surfer_kwargs = dict(surface=‘inflated’, hemi=‘lh’, subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
time_viewer=False, views=‘lateral’, show_traces=False)
brain = stc.plot(**surfer_kwargs)

    # Create a FigureCanvas object
    self.canvas = FigureCanvas(brain)

    # Set the FigureCanvas as the central widget

Hello everyone hope you are well. I have been working on a visualization tool using PyQT5. With this said, I would like to embed the source estimates plot. Altough, I was able to embeed when the backend is matplotlib, I would prefer to do this with the plot generated by the pyvistaqt backend. Is there anyway to perform this?

Thank you in advance,
Best regards all,

Pedro Gomes