If you have a question or issue with MNE-Python, please include the following info:
MNE-Python version: 0.22.0
operating system: Windows 10
I am a new user working on EEG data. I am using my own data using LabChart, but the microVolt is not converting to default Volt and showing a large amplitude data.
MNE should automatically detect that it’s in µV, and treat it accordingly. Since this is not happening, we either have a bug in MNE, or something is wrong with your file. Could you please share the file, like @agramfort suggested, and let us know how you produced the file? Is that a LabChart export?
pyedflib/_extensions/_pyedflib.pyx in pyedflib._extensions._pyedflib.CyEdfReader.__init__()
pyedflib/_extensions/_pyedflib.pyx in pyedflib._extensions._pyedflib.CyEdfReader.open()
pyedflib/_extensions/_pyedflib.pyx in pyedflib._extensions._pyedflib.CyEdfReader.check_open_ok()
OSError: mne-python/EDF/subject 2 trial 1(5).edf: the file is not EDF(+) or BDF(+) compliant (Physical Dimension)
So I’m leaning towards saying, the file itself is the problem.
In either case, MNE does not refuse to read the file, and reports µV in raw._orig_units after reading. So I would consider this a bug in MNE: either it shouldn’t read the file at all and throw an error, or it should treat the encountered unit scalings correctly. Looking into this right now.