Downsampling fsaverage source model for efficient computation

Hi all,

Iā€™m wondering if there is a systematic way of downsampling the source model for fsaverage. Iā€™m using it in source-reconstruction of EEG data with LCMV and it is using up a whole lot of memory (64Gb - on a pretty good machine).

Is it possible to downsample, or is there a file that has less sources than the fsaverage-ico-4-src.fif that I could implement?

Any help would be much appreciated.


This question already has the relevant info: Laptop crashes while trying to compute/plot inverse solution. I suspect my forward model is too intricate. How to address?
ā€¦but you say youā€™re using ico-4 and itā€™s crashing? I suspect itā€™s not the forward model that is the problem. Check your script to see if youā€™re keeping around unneeded variables. For example, donā€™t load raw data for all subjects all at once; load one subj at a time, process them all the way through, then load the next subj.

If you canā€™t prevent the crash that way, please post the script and the full traceback and the output of mne.sys_info()