Hi @agramfort,@richard, @mmagnuski
I have been stuck on this thing for a while now. I tried replicating the same process of getting evoked response on MNE as what I used to do with brainstorm. On brainstorm, I follow the process shown in the figure below:
On MNE I did,
raw.filter(l_freq=0.1,h_freq=None) %equivalent to dc offset
raw.filter(l_freq=1,h_freq=100) %equvalent to bandpass
raw.notch_filter(np.arange(60,241,60),picks=picks,filter_length='auto',phase='zero') %equivalent to notch.
I removed the same number of channels. For simplicity purpose, I didn’t apply any SSP projections or removed bad segments to ease the comparision.
The raw file after the filtering nearly identical on both softwares. However, why does the evoked response look different, even when the baseline set is the same for both the softwares
This is what I obtained after brainstorm
This the image of evoked response on MNE
As you can see, there is a component at around -10ms on MNE , which is missing on Brainstorm, there is also a clear peak at around 350 ms on brainstorm,which I cant see on MNE. There is more hair like diverging component on MNE at later time points(>300 ms) where as they converge on Brainstorm.
If all the process is similar until preprocessing, what is causing difference in the evoked response? The baseline period is also the same.
With Brainstorm:
Raw file preprocessed with MNE:
Why are the evoked response different, when the preprocessed raw file is same?