DICS for each epoch in 0.16.1

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In MNE 0.16.1, the use of mne.beamformer.dics_epochs is now deprecated -
this function outputs a DICS source estimate for each individual epoch.
However, I am not seeing an option to do this in any of the new,
recommended DICS functions. Have I missed something?

Best wishes,
Jeff Hanna
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Hi Jeff,

the old dics_epochs function uses the CSD to compute a spatial filter and then applies to filter to the epoched signal. We have chosen not to continue this functionality at this point, because the result is very confusing, i.e. the result is not the signal power at a given frequency over time. If that is your aim, I recommend computing the CSD on all epochs, feed that into make_dics to get the spatial filter, then compute CSDs for each individual epoch and obtain power estimates by calling apply_dics on them. If obtaining power estimates is not your aim and you know what you?re doing, feel free to keep using the dics_epochs function for the time being.


        External Email - Use Caution

In MNE 0.16.1, the use of mne.beamformer.dics_epochs is now deprecated - this function outputs a DICS source estimate for each individual epoch. However, I am not seeing an option to do this in any of the new, recommended DICS functions. Have I missed something?

Best wishes,
Jeff Hanna
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