Deep Brain - Limpic CytoChem - CELL Chemical Histology of " Glutamate BioMarker " in Thalamus - LGN.

Dear " MNE - GUI users "
        MEG with " Good Spatial Resolution & High Temporal Resolution ".
CHEMICAL Interventions " CytoChem " PROTEIN Biomarkers based on VectoeView
HPI - Head Position Indicator - Coil set gets Signals from Source-localisation for
Cell membrane Proteome - MEG data for GLUTAMATE in LGN. Optics in Thalamus.
          Any one guide , how to use " Main Window of mne_ analyze. " GUI-MNE".
      1. The Overlay management dialog. ( to know " value histogram " ).
       2. Continuous HPI data overview.
       3. Estimate preferences dialog.
evoked , epochs & raw data as " .fif " source file.
      Basically I am an ARTIST , generated ANALOG - WAVELET , relevant details
created as " tech. Chart " enclosed here with ....
   Need your help on GUI for " Protein BioMarker " Vector view " Thalamus ".

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