External Email - Use Caution
Dear MNE developers,
I'm starting to look into the MNE python package and I really like what I experienced so far, e.g. in terms of data I/O, quick analysis facilities, plotting routines and documentation. Great effort you are taking here!
I am wondering if it would be possible to use a customized head and forward model with MNE. As far as I understand (from the documentation inhttp://martinos.org/mne/stable/auto_tutorials/plot_forward.html) MNE builds upon FreeSurfer utilities for segmentation and BEM generation which is very reasonable and convenient.
However, would it be possible to use my own customized forward model? Let's say I have all information I'd need for an appropriate forward model (e.g. my own segmentation in form of a triangulated mesh with different compartments for different tissue classes, dipole coordinates and normals, the lead field matrix, the MRI volume, electrode positions and registration matrices to MRI space etc.) could I use it with MNE for subsequent source analysis and visualization? If yes: Is there a documentation on how to format and provide the data in ASCII format? I understand that there are methods for I/O forward operators (e.g. mne.read_forward_solution) but I assume these need to be previously saved with MNE.
Thanks a lot!
Best, Arne