Creating a label in one hemisphere based on an existing label in another hemisphere


I have created a region in the left hemisphere by selecting my own set of
vertices (based on functional data). I would like to also create a region
as similar as possible in the right hemisphere. Does anyone know of any
functions to create a right-hemisphere region (label) using a corresponding
left-hemisphere region as input? (I asked about this on the Freesurfer
mailing list but didn't hear anything.)

Thank you,
Steve Politzer-Ahles

Hi Stephen,

Probably not a very helpful response: Establishing correspondence between
vertices in the 2 hemispheres is not a well posed problem.. You may be
able to make a function for a given definition of 'similarity' using the
info in the inv.src structure when you read in an inverse operator fif
file into matlab..


Hi Steve,

You may be able to adapt the first part of the laterality processing stream
from the 2011 Greve et al. HBM poster to do this,
There are some instructions in
  I've never attempted it myself -- good luck!


this question has been asked to me a couple of times so if someone
succeeds please let me know.


Thanks, this looks helpful! I'll try playing around with it.
