Convert channels in 'eeg' for epoch analysis using mne-python

  • MNE-Python version: ‘0.19.0’
  • operating system: Windows 10


I would like to analyze epochs (recorded via MultiChannel System), using the “mne.EpochsArray” function and for that I have to fill in some info (mne.create_info). My first question is: do I have to change my channels to ‘eeg’ in order to be able to analyze signals whatever their anatomy? Or is there another way to do it?
The second question is: if so, how do I do it?

Thanks in advance, I’m new to Python.

Can you be more specific about what the recording hardware was (I’m not familiar with “MultiChannel System”). What is the manufacturer? What is the file extension of the files it records? I ask because we have pre-built reader functions for many EEG manufacturers, which avoids needing to use EpochsArray or construct your info object manually.

Generally speaking though, if you have your data already in NumPy array format and all channels are EEG channels, then mne.create_info(..., ch_types='eeg') should work, though see the “Notes” section of mne.EpochsArray for notes about what measurement units are assumed. If the data also includes some other channels (EOG, EMG, etc) then you can pass a list of channel type strings like this: mne.create_info(..., ch_types=['eeg', 'eeg', 'eeg', ..., 'eog', 'eog'])

could you put an example?

Thank you very much! You solved my problem.