Cluster statistics on temporal generalization analysis ouput

Dear all,

I have implemented temporal generalization analysis following the mne example:

I now have for each participant a matrix (test time x train time) with the decoding scores for each test-train time point. Just like in the last figure of the mne example in the url above.

My next step should be to run a cluster analysis to identify any clusters that are significantly >50% accuracy at the group level.

I looked in the documentation for an example that could guide me, but I didn’t find one. I believe that something similar to doing statistics testing on a single channel TFR plot (frequency x time) could be easily adapted for my purposes.

Does anyone have an example or guidance for this?

Many thanks!

Ana P

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correct, you can apply a standard cluster statistics on this map.

example here:

hope that helps

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Thank you so much! Most useful. Cheers! Ana P