cluster permutation test with TFCE

Hello community,

MNE version: 1.5.1
Windows 11

I am using a cluster permutation test on time-frequency data (2D) with threshold-free cluster enhancement. I wondered whether the t_obs output (t-statistic observed for all variables) is actually a t-value per voxel or the TFCE-value (which I guess it is?). I am refering to the blogpost by Benedikt Ehinger on TFCE.
I am currently preparing a manuscript and I plot the t_obs from the cluster output and mask the significant voxels. I thought that it might be confusing for the reader to label the values as t-values, as they are much higher than “regular” t-values from a cluster-permutation test and it might seem odd that the voxels with high t-values are not part of the cluster.



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