Cluster-based Permutation test for time-frequency data

External Email - Use Caution

Hello MNE-team,

I've got a question regarding cluster-based permutation tests on time-frequency data. I've checked the mailing list archives but haven't been able to find anything informative. I'm new to this analysis but colleagues of mine have informed me that Fieldtrip in MATLAB provides an algorithm that allows to search for adjacent frequencies, timepoints and channels that show similar modulations, which then result in 3D clusters. In the examples on statistical analysis of time-frequency data provided on the MNE website one channel only is selected. Is there an option to run a similar analysis that runs over all channels simultaneously and produces 3D clusters? If so is there an example that can be found somewhere and are there suggestions for plotting these outputs? Thank you very much for your help!


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External Email - Use Caution

In the examples on statistical analysis of time-frequency data provided on
the MNE website one channel only is selected. Is there an option to run a
similar analysis that runs over all channels simultaneously and produces 3D
clusters? If so is there an example that can be found somewhere and are
there suggestions for plotting these outputs? Thank you very much for your

Not that I know of, but we should add some functions and probably an
example to make it clear how to do this. Can you open an MNE issue about it
so that we can discuss the necessary API changes?

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