Can I use MNE functions to analyze EMG data

Hi MNE experts,

I am wondering if it is possible to load EMG data into MNE from acoustic startle response (ASR) experiments and use some of the analysis tools and visualization functions. I have my data in spike2 format (.smrx) and in a comma-separated text file in a time x channel format with the first line being the channels names and the second line the units for each channel.

My ASR protocol consists of monitoring EMG evoked responses of 14 muscles to an unexpected auditory stimulus. Ther is also a channel recording the ECG response.

Is there a way to convert my data into a format readable by MNE in the absence of EEG and localizing data?



Sure, you can import your CSV data as a NumPy array and convert it with RawArray: Creating MNE-Python data structures from scratch — MNE 0.23.0 documentation

Thank you! That was very helpful.

