Calculate PSD using compute_psd, and extracting them

I am using the compu_psd function but I got different value once getting the data and then plot the bar chart
with the code:


I will get

but with the following code:

freqs = A.freqs
psd_data =

# Define frequency bands
bands = {
    'Delta': (0.5, 4),
    'Theta': (4, 8),
    'Alpha': (8, 13),
    'Beta': (13, 30)

# Function to calculate mean power for each band
def bandpower(psd, freqs, band):
    band_freqs = np.logical_and(freqs >= band[0], freqs <= band[1])
    band_power = np.mean(psd[:, :, band_freqs], axis=-1)
    return np.mean(band_power, axis=0)

# Calculate band power for each band
band_powers = {band: bandpower(psd_data, freqs, bands[band]) for band in bands}

# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bands_names = list(band_powers.keys())
mean_powers = [np.mean(band_powers[band]) for band in bands_names], mean_powers)
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency Bands')
ax.set_ylabel('Mean Power (dB Ī¼VĀ²/Hz)')
ax.set_title('Mean Power in Different Frequency Bands')

the output is


from the range of the data it seem the units and range are not correct

also the value of PSD is like:

array([[[1.52438752e-08, 3.02824429e-08, 2.79907505e-08, ...,
         5.28638010e-10, 5.97301896e-10, 3.06707155e-10],
        [8.78913704e-09, 1.74219543e-08, 1.64144076e-08, ...,
         3.62823502e-10, 4.07407201e-10, 2.07554074e-10],
        [5.59985449e-09, 1.12223745e-08, 1.04044687e-08, ...,
         3.19684554e-10, 3.59507033e-10, 1.76134342e-10],
        [1.93100238e-08, 3.79889025e-08, 3.58651468e-08, ...,
         4.68529638e-10, 5.13241100e-10, 2.54467878e-10],
        [8.75686133e-10, 1.80090731e-09, 1.67881735e-09, ...,
         1.37151917e-11, 1.47513447e-11, 5.01511143e-12],
        [2.02489226e-08, 3.96566553e-08, 3.75657206e-08, ...,
         3.70278273e-10, 3.83677705e-10, 1.94774120e-10]],

       [[7.36418110e-09, 1.47644338e-08, 1.37755441e-08, ...,
         2.96773610e-11, 2.29391550e-11, 1.14274344e-11],
        [6.45813300e-09, 1.27413796e-08, 1.22074800e-08, ...,
         2.19821739e-11, 1.87610058e-11, 8.58657088e-12],
        [1.03793212e-08, 2.01215105e-08, 1.97360644e-08, ...,
         1.36124355e-11, 1.53256654e-11, 9.10302910e-12],
        [9.14992207e-09, 1.78669762e-08, 1.69899880e-08, ...,
         2.80164403e-11, 3.02477285e-11, 1.10422672e-11],
        [7.30567495e-11, 1.39693116e-10, 9.40173733e-11, ...,
         3.32571274e-12, 1.68263134e-12, 8.40415550e-13],
         7.25500835e-10, 8.33091477e-10, 3.95014426e-10],
        [1.50080844e-09, 2.97818117e-09, 2.80849585e-09, ...,
         3.57650936e-11, 3.79948234e-11, 1.64251653e-11],
        [2.07465722e-08, 4.11018029e-08, 3.87241280e-08, ...,
         6.62117343e-10, 7.08359830e-10, 3.41941640e-10]]])

and if I use:


the output is:

array([[[ -78.16904615,  -75.18809093,  -75.52985457, ...,
          -92.76841614,  -92.23806107,  -95.13276093],
        [ -80.56053764,  -77.58903129,  -77.84774786, ...,
          -94.40304589,  -93.89971299,  -96.82868737],
        [ -82.51823258,  -79.49915242,  -79.82780091, ...,
          -94.95278347,  -94.44292609,  -97.54155957],
        [ -77.14217191,  -74.20343253,  -74.45327387, ...,
          -93.29262932,  -92.89678573,  -95.94367032],
        [ -90.57651528,  -87.44508639,  -87.7499655 , ...,
         -108.62798119, -108.31168388, -112.99719413],
        [ -76.93598079,  -74.01683918,  -74.25208276, ...,
          -94.3147177 ,  -94.16033437,  -97.1046875 ]],

       [[ -81.3287554 ,  -78.30783204,  -78.60891237, ...,
         -105.2757472 , -106.39422583, -109.42051264],
        [ -81.89893015,  -78.94783546,  -79.13373977, ...,
         -106.57929361, -107.26743881, -110.66180241],
        [ -79.83831046,  -76.96339419,  -77.04739447, ...,
         -108.66064165, -108.1458066 , -110.40814069],
        [ -80.38582605,  -77.47948941,  -77.69806929, ...,
         -105.52587046, -105.19307234, -109.56941749],
        [-101.36339654,  -98.54824994, -100.26791887, ...,
         -114.78115266, -117.74011027, -120.7550592 ],
          -91.39362083,  -90.79307309,  -94.03387043],
        [ -88.23674736,  -85.26048886,  -85.51526214, ...,
         -104.46540634, -104.2027557 , -107.84490251],
        [ -76.83053649,  -73.86139127,  -74.12018353, ...,
          -91.79065036,  -91.49746075,  -94.66048009]]])

It is negative and it seem sth is wrong due to units


Please check out this thread, it should answer your question regarding the values and their units: What is the unit of the psds when computing mne.time_frequency.psd_array_welch ?.

Other than that, also note that you are using Epochs[3] at first but Epochs[0] later. Just mentioning in case you are still seeing major differences between the two approaches.
