Biomarker and Experimental Medicine Leader in Neuroscience at Roche in Basel, Switzerland

External Email - Use Caution

Dear all,

We are offering a position as a Biomarker and Experimental Medicine Leader
in Neuroscience at Roche in Basel, Switzerland.

The position is based in the Biomarker and Translational Technology (BTT)
group of the Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, and Rare Diseases (NORD)
department in Roche Pharma Research and Early Development (pRED) in Basel,
Switzerland. The BTT group utilizes the most advanced methods (including
digital biomarkers, imaging (MRI and PET), EEG, fluid biomarkers, genetics
and cognitive testing) and analytical approaches to support scientific
decision-making in drug development. Roche has one of the largest and most
exciting neuroscience portfolios ranging from programs in
neurodevelopmental (e.g. ASD) and neuropsychiatric (e.g. Schizophrenia) to
neurodegenerative disorders (e.g. AD, PD, MS) and includes rare genetic
disorders (e.g. Angelman Syndrome, Huntington's disease, SMA).

We are looking for a highly motivated, creative, collaborative and
innovative standout colleague with very strong quantitative and
methodological skills, and a deep understanding of neuroscience, preferable
with experience working in neuropsychiatric or neurological disorders.

Details on the position can be found here:

Best wishes,
