Hi MNE users,
I am trying to see the EEG source localization for the evoked response for my subjects. However,I got an error that said " the surfaces of the inner skull is not completely inside the outer skull". A solution that I saw on different forums was to use only one conductivity parameter [0.3], instead of the default three. However, it doesn’t work for EEG as it requires 3 layer BEM instead of just one.
3 out of 5 subjects I am working with have the same problem. Is there fix to this problem?
What arguments in the bem.make_watershed_bem( ) could solve this? Currently, I have been using
mne.bem.make_watershed_bem( subject , subjects_dir , volume=‘T1’ ,atlas=False , gcaatlas=False , preflood=None , show=False , copy=False , T1=None , brainmask=‘ws.mgz’ , verbose=None )