BEM mesh error while downsampling vertices


I got a runtime error while making a BEM model (using mne.make_bem_model) that :
"Surface inner skull has topological defects: 12 / 20484 vertices have fewer than three neighboring triangles [733, 1014, 2068, 7732, 8435, 8489, 10181, 11120, 11121, 11122, 11304, 11788]"

As mentioned in this link- I tried to visualize the inner skull surface but didn't know how to find those vertices. I have attached an image of the inner skull surface. I could see some small triangles at places I wouldn't expect them. So I tried to smoothen out any irregularities in Freeview using the smoothing tool. That didn't help. I still got the runtime error but with different vertices:
"RuntimeError: Surface inner skull has topological defects: 12 / 20479 vertices have fewer than three neighboring triangles [733, 1014, 2068, 7730, 8433, 8487, 10179, 11118, 11119, 11120, 11302, 11786]"

Any idea on how to view and edit these vertices?

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External Email - Use Caution

I got a runtime error while making a BEM model (using mne.make_bem_model)
that :
"Surface inner skull has topological defects: 12 / 20484 vertices have
fewer than three neighboring triangles [733, 1014, 2068, 7732, 8435, 8489,
10181, 11120, 11121, 11122, 11304, 11788]"

As mentioned in this link-
bem meshes generated by brainsuite cannot be downsampled (mne.make_bem_model)) · Issue #6127 · mne-tools/mne-python · GitHub I tried to visualize
the inner skull surface but didn't know how to find those vertices.

Here is some code to get you started:

import numpy as np
import pyvista
from pyvistaqt import BackgroundPlotter
import mne
fig = BackgroundPlotter()
rr, tris = mne.read_surface(mne.datasets.sample.data_path() +
tris = np.concatenate([np.full((len(tris), 1), 3), tris], axis=1)
pd = pyvista.PolyData(rr, tris)
points = pyvista.PolyData(rr[[733, 1014, 2068]])
fig.add_mesh(points, style='points', color='r', point_size=10,
opacity=0.5, render_points_as_spheres=True)

Produces (the third point is out of the current view):

[image: Screenshot from 2020-10-01 11-44-46.png]

I have attached an image of the inner skull surface. I could see some
small triangles at places I wouldn't expect them. So I tried to smoothen
out any irregularities in Freeview using the smoothing tool. That didn't

Interesting, that solution is not listed here:

Would you be up for making a pull request on GitHub to add to the
documentation whatever you did as an option there?

Also feel free to try the other solutions listed there to fix things.

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Hi Eric,

I forgot to turn off the digest mode, so I can't reply to your email directly.

Thanks for the code.
I could only see a subset of those vertices. Also, couldn't see how to edit those vertices, so I used Blender for editing.
Using the vertices shown in the PyVista plot, I tried to zoom in at the location of those vertices in Blender. But I couldn't find the exact vertex which has fewer than 3 neighbouring triangles.

I found many free-floating vertices, so deleted those. Then the number of vertices in the surface reduced a lot. I have shown an image of those vertices.

Also attached is an image of the area where the Pyvista plot showed a vertex marked in red. All of the vertices have atleast 3 neighbour triangles.

Sure, I can put a Github pull request.


Can you share the repo link where I can make a PR?

External Email - Use Caution

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Thanks for the instructions.

Do you know which one is the vertex with less than 3 neighboring triangles?


External Email - Use Caution

From the code I pasted above, you should in principle be able to get the
X/Y/Z coordinates of any vertex you need. They are stored in the rows of
"rr". From that vertex number and the X/Y/Z coordinates, Blender probably
provides a way to select (or remove) points, and probably also fix
topological defects. But I don't really use Blender so I'm not sure.


Ok, thanks!



I was able to locate the vertices using the "rr" matrix. I dissolved those error-giving vertices in Blender.

But while running the "make_bem_model" function, I got a runtime error message that:
"Surface inner skull is not complete (sum of solid angles yielded 0.999622, should be 1.)"

What's missing in the surface to not have the solid angle as 1?


External Email - Use Caution

I was able to locate the vertices using the "rr" matrix. I dissolved those
error-giving vertices in Blender.

But while running the "make_bem_model" function, I got a runtime
error message that:
"Surface inner skull is not complete (sum of solid angles yielded
0.999622, should be 1.)"

My guess is that there is a hole / are some holes in the mesh. We could
probably add some checks for this in our code. In the meantime can you see
if there is a hole / are some holes?

If there are (or if Blender says there are other problems), consider
looking at:

And again any insights you gain from this process would make for a great
documentation enhancement / pull request!

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