Basic problem in

Hi all,
       I'm completely new to anaconda3 and MNE, but I have managed to
bypass some conflicting codes in function

*, montage=None, eog=(), event_id=None,
event_id_func=None, preload=False, verbose=0)*

until reaching a point where I don't know how to proceed. Final part of
output in is

    *not_purely_numeric = set(x for x in not_in_event_id if not

*AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'isdigit'*

It seems that isdigit() is supposed to work on strings only. I had to
exclude several lines to get the function to work with no errors, but
eventually I will need that to get working.
In adittion, the first problem I had to face was in channel names. I have
som channels that are not EEG but want to analize as EEG. They have non-eeg
names and no topographic position in a head model (though I can invent
that). Those channels appear as "unknown" in channel labels, but when I
open the .mat file with matlab, everything looks fine.

Maybe I have not given enough info, but I can give it as needed. It is also
probable that trying to get the function working without knowing well this
new language for me may be slow and susceptible to non-fatal errors, but
now that I have just get the function to end without red error messages is
a big step. Im using Spyder, but can see any variable after the unction end
so Im going to read some Spyder and Python basics. Any help will be
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Are you running the latest development version of `master`? We have fixed a
few EEGLAB io bugs since our last release.
