Dear Matti,
I am trying to mark the channels with the value=0 early in the
pre-process ,as to avoid the NaN error (not a number) ,later on when i
try to divide by channel sizes.
As per the mne 2.7 manual (part 11.4.1) The command is:
mne_mark_bad_channels --bad subjectid_bads.bad subjectid.fif
However the .bad file (which is a text file) must contain all the
channel names (
So, In the .ds original folder the channel names are found in this
file called HZ.acq .I assume so because the word "ChannelName" is
repeated in the the file when opened with notepad.
However ,The channel names are too scattered in notepad to be of use.
It can be read via this software ( which
requires a visual basic platform .
Any ideas on how to obtain a list of the channel names ?