Hello everyone,
I have a problem to average my data across subjects.
I have 7 files per subject of 750 Mo each and 7 subjects.
I tried mne_process_raw to average my data all together. At around the two
third of the process I have this error message : 'fiff_read_tag: memory
allocation failed'.
I tried to use the MNE matlab toolbox. I averaged my subjects separately and
then try to load the averages in Matlab to average all the subjects together
in matlab. But there also is a problem of memory while loading the data.
Does anybody have an idea of how I could solve this ?
Also, does anybody know how to save the terminal info while using the
mne_process_raw command ? I would like to know how many trials mne averaged
in each category and save it in a file.
Thanks in advance,
2009/4/28 Matti Hamalainen <msh at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Hello all,
Thanks to Fran?ois Tadel from USC and John Mosher from Cleveland Clinic,
one major and a few minor bottlenecks were identified in the MNE Matlab
Toolbox. I modified the code on the basis of their findings and, as a
result, the fif file I/O is now much faster. I packaged the improved version
as MNE Matlab 2.6.1 and this new version is now available on the download
web site.This new package is highly recommended for those of you who use the MNE
Matlab tools.The Martinos Center public MNE installation has been updated.
Other users need to:
1. Download MNE-dist-matlab-2.6.1-090428065405.tar.gz from the MNE download
web site.2. Goto the directory *containing* $MNE_ROOT, i.e., $MNE_ROOT/..
3. Say
tar zxvf <where the download is>/MNE-dist-matlab-2.6.1-090428065405.tar.gz
<where the download is> is the path to the directory where you downloaded
the software.Best,
Matti Hamalainen, Ph.D.
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospitalmsh at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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