Average movies across subjects, mne vs. spm input?


    When creating an average of the movie output across several subjects, is
it necessary that the individual subjects have been processed with the same
mne/spm status as the desired average movie? In other words, if I want to
create an averaged mne movie, must all of the individual subjects have been
processed in raw current? Likewise, to create an average spm activation
movie must the subjects all have been processed with the spm option?

    Thanks again,

Per Lysne
MIND Research Network/University of New Mexico
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Hi Per,

Yes, to create grand average of stc file, you need to have them all in
either spm or mne as they have different units (spm is unit less (ratio
wrt to baseline) and mne is in A-m)

Also to average multiple subjects you have to morph them to fasaverage or
some other subjects of yours.

Feel free if you have any questions.

Sheraz Khan
Martinos center