Applying MNE to other kinds of time-series data

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Dear MNE experts,

I would like to apply MNE to whiten times-series data which were saved as
.cvs, rather than .fif. However, in the demo code "b, a = fit_iir_model_raw
(raw, order=order, picks=picks, tmin=60, tmax=180)" , the raw refers to the
raw fif file, right? May I ask how should I transform the format from cvs
to fif, or if 'fit_iir_model_raw' could recognize data matrix directly? The
data matrix now I have is a small matrix, such as 300 x 300. Any
suggestions would be much appreciated.

Best regards,

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MNE-Python has a class RawArray
which can be used to construct a Raw object from array data. See examples
and here