Hello everyone,
Although this doesnt have to a lot to do with MNE library specifically, i still used the read_raw_edf function to import my recorded EEG dataset. And i am truely thankfull for you guys for having such a great library. As for my question: I am trying to visualize EEG data on a 3D Scalp. I have managed to project the sensor locations on a 3D head model and assign a colormap to the projected vertices. And now i came to the problem of interpolating the data. Usualy in 2D its easly done using contour lines but for 3D visualization that doesnt work, so after searching for some answers on how to interpolate the data i couldnt really find the “preferred” interpolation method so i decided to use radial basis function interpolation. I have compared it with a 2D visualization and it seemed pretty spot on but i am still not sure since i really couldnt find any paper related to this topic so i decided to ask you, providing the following evidence if it allowed to use the Rbf to interpolate EEG data. Any help or references would be appriciated. The following link shows the result with an animation: Radial Basis Function Interpolation of EEG Data on a scalp in python - YouTube
further more i link a picture of a comparison to the built-in Mne function for a heatmap and my model:
P.S. : i am just trying to visualize the data as they are, without preprocessing or averging. I just want to know if the applied method is allowed
Thank you very much for your time