After using a compute_psd and exact the data to draw a graph, I found that the signal value is particularly large near 0. What is the reason for this?
There is no high signal at point 0 when I use plot_psd to draw the graph
After using a compute_psd and exact the data to draw a graph, I found that the signal value is particularly large near 0. What is the reason for this?
Your first plot seems to have a linearly scaled y-axis (uV^2 / Hz) while the second plot has a logarithmically scaled y-axis (dB uV^2 / Hz), so they’re both showing the same thing, just scaled differently. The linear scaling is often not very useful because signal power can encompass multiple orders of magnitude depending on frequency. Using a log-y scaling gives a compressed view of the data that gives you a better idea of the relative power differences between frequencies.
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