A question which is about how to minus two conditions in freesurfer

Hi :slight_smile:
I am so sorry to bother you all

these days , i use freesurfer and mne to analyze
my MEG data
but now , i have a problem as follow
1.how can I minus two conditions , cus I wanna see
the difference between two conditions? EX: (deviant condition - standard

It confused me for long time , hope anyone can
help me , thx

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these days , i use freesurfer and mne to? analyze my? MEG data
but now , i? have a? problem as? follow :
1.how can?I minus two conditions , cus I wanna see the? difference between
two? conditions? EX:? (deviant condition? -? standard condition)

what is your setup? you want to compare within one subject? in a group
of subjects?

if it's just one subject, an easy solution consists in loading the STC
files for
both conditions in matlab, then do the difference and save the output
in a new stc file that you can visualize with mne_analyse. If you want to do
statistics that's a bit more complicated.

hope this helps


ย ย mne_average_estimates (which is documented in the manual) should also
be useful for algebraic manipulations on a set of stc files.



I am so sorry to bother you again ,

I got some question these days

From (Dale et al., 2000).qi(t) is F distributed, with three degrees of freedom for the numerator.

The degrees of freedom for the denominator is typically large, again depending
on the number of time samples used to calculate the noise covariance matrix C.

1. in my study , my baseline is 100 ms , so I set F(0.95,3,100)=2.69 to be my fthresh of dSPM (x=2.69) ,is that right ?

2. I read out my stc file in MATLAB , and subtracted two condition ,then wrote back to stc file

     should i use the same fthresh to show the result ? or don;t need to set any fthresh

because I got some problem, if I used the same fthresh, after subtracting two condition, i didn;t see anything on dSPM

I am so sorry to bother u again , hope anyone can help me


Subject: Re: [Mne_analysis] A question which is about how to minus two conditions in freesurfer
From: hari at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
To: gramfort at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
CC: e7362 at hotmail.com; mne_analysis at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 15:56:44 -0400

  mne_average_estimates (which is documented in the manual) should also
be useful for algebraic manipulations on a set of stc files.

> Hi,
> > these days , i use freesurfer and mne to analyze my MEG data
> > but now , i have a problem as follow :
> > 1.how can I minus two conditions , cus I wanna see the difference between
> > two conditions? EX: (deviant condition - standard condition)
> what is your setup? you want to compare within one subject? in a group
> of subjects?
> if it's just one subject, an easy solution consists in loading the STC
> files for
> both conditions in matlab, then do the difference and save the output
> in a new stc file that you can visualize with mne_analyse. If you want to do
> statistics that's a bit more complicated.
> hope this helps
> Alex

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