2nd MEG North America Meeting: We need you!

We are still soliciting volunteers for committee membership at the 2nd MEG-North America meeting, to be held in Bethesda, Maryland November 8th and 9th. Committee meetings will be held on November 8th, with the scientific session on November 9th.

There are four committee/workgroups; a broad suggestion of agenda items is as follows:


                Topics include discussion of a standard battery to probe reproducibility across sites and platforms. Committee members may also works towards implementation of the battery across multiple sites.

Data Sharing:

                Topics include the discussion of common data elements and formats or data structures, repository policies, infrastructure support and development, and facilitation of data transfer into repositories.

Industry Partnerships:

                Discussions of collaborative partnerships between academia and industry, to facilitate goals of enhancing reproducibility and sharing, along with other areas of collaboration mutually beneficial to research and clinical institutions and device developers/manufacturers. Representatives from both York Instruments and CTF have volunteered to join this committee.

Facilitating Best Practices:

                 Discussions to include how best to facilitate the emergence of best practices from the user community. What metrics can be used for identifying best practices, characteristics of test datasets, and frameworks to identify robust processing pipelines.

To volunteer, please e-mail nihmegworkshop at gmail.com<mailto:nihmegworkshop at gmail.com> with your affiliation and which committee(s) you are willing to serve on. We will send confirmations to committee members by September 8th. Thank you for supporting our community!

Please visit our website at https://megworkshop.nih.gov/MEGWorkshop/

Or register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/meg-north-america-2017-tickets-36315511673?aff=utm_source%3Deb_email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dnew_event_email&utm_term=eventurl_text>

We hope to see you there!

Conference Chairs:

Richard Coppola

Allison Nugent

Steering Committee:

Sylvain Baillet

Dimitrios Pantazis

Timothy Roberts

Julia Stephen
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Is there remote access to the workshop over internet from different location?

Ritesh Mahajan