2021: The Year in Review

Top #💬 Support & Discussions Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Check for ICA (toward Epochs Rejection) 7
Causal spectral connectivity measures (per #8691) 6
Issue with Co-Registration when combining MEG and EEG data into a single file 6
Cannot find ecg artifacts during ica 5

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Issue with Co-Registration when combining MEG and EEG data into a single file 43
Cannot find ecg artifacts during ica 37
Check for ICA (toward Epochs Rejection) 27
Advice needed on salvaging data with unusual evoked baseline activity 23
Issues with make_scalp_surfaces 23

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Check for ICA (toward Epochs Rejection) 17
CSP error: LinAlgError: The leading minor of order 64 of B is not positive definite 16
Causal spectral connectivity measures (per #8691) 16
Issue with Co-Registration when combining MEG and EEG data into a single file 16
Cannot find ecg artifacts during ica 16